Monday, June 5, 2023

How to Fix Common Acrylic Nail Problems at Home

How to Fix Common Acrylic Nail Problems at Home

Acrylic nails are a popular choice for many people because they are durable and long-lasting. However, like any type of nail treatment, acrylic nails can experience problems from time to time. From lifting to cracking, there are several issues that can arise with acrylic nails. The good news is that many of these problems can be fixed at home. In this article, we will discuss how to fix common acrylic nail problems at home.

Problem: Lifting Nails

One of the most common problems with acrylic nails is lifting. This occurs when the acrylic separates from the natural nail, leaving a gap between the two. Lifting can be caused by several factors, including improper application, exposure to water, or damage to the nail bed.

To fix lifting nails, start by using a cuticle pusher to gently push back the lifted acrylic. Then, use a nail file to lightly buff the natural nail underneath the lifted area. Next, apply a small amount of nail glue to the natural nail and the underside of the lifted acrylic. Press the two together and hold for a few seconds until the glue dries.

Problem: Cracked Nails

Acrylic nails are prone to cracking, especially if they are thin or brittle. Cracking can be caused by a variety of factors, including over-filing, exposure to harsh chemicals, or trauma to the nail.

To fix a cracked nail, start by using a nail file to smooth out any rough edges around the crack. Next, apply a small amount of nail glue to the crack and press the two sides together. Hold for a few seconds until the glue dries. If the crack is severe, you may need to trim the nail down and start over with a new acrylic application.

Problem: Discolored Nails

Acrylic nails can become discolored over time, especially if they are exposed to harsh chemicals or UV light. Discoloration can range from yellowing to a brownish tint.

To fix discolored nails, start by soaking your nails in a mixture of warm water and lemon juice for 10-15 minutes. Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent that can help remove stains from your nails. After soaking, use a nail brush to gently scrub your nails and remove any remaining stains. Rinse your nails with warm water and dry them thoroughly.

Problem: Thick Nails

Acrylic nails can become thick and bulky over time, especially if they are not properly maintained. Thick nails can make it difficult to perform everyday tasks, such as typing or picking up small objects.

To fix thick nails, start by using a nail file to gently file down the surface of the acrylic. Be careful not to file too much, as this can cause the nail to become weak and prone to breaking. After filing, use a nail buffer to smooth out any rough edges and give your nails a polished look.

Problem: Broken Nails

Acrylic nails can break, especially if they are exposed to excessive force or trauma. Broken nails can be painful and unsightly.

To fix a broken nail, start by using a nail file to smooth out any rough edges around the break. Next, apply a small amount of nail glue to the broken area and press the two sides together. Hold for a few seconds until the glue dries. If the break is severe, you may need to trim the nail down and start over with a new acrylic application.
In conclusion, acrylic nails can experience a variety of problems, but many of these issues can be fixed at home with the right tools and techniques. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can keep your acrylic nails looking great and avoid the need for expensive salon visits.
How to Fix Common Acrylic Nail Problems at Home
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